Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Training - Day 2

Walking back to my building this afternoon in the pouring rain, I thought, Gosh, training tonight is really going to suck. Not only are we mixing in jogging, we have to do it in the rain.

I get together with my sister after work, and she's telling me about all the things that went wrong today. My goodness, getting to train is going to be difficult today.

We get down to the waterfront and what do we find? A little present from Abba:

Shortly after I took that picture and a little further down the path, I hear PFFF! I looked out into the little harbor we were passing and there was a seal! It was too far away for me to see exactly what kind it was, but it was most definitely a seal.

(Sorry for the seal dot, but my camera can only zoom in so far.)

Not only did Abba send us a rainbow and a seal, but when we were almost back to the car, there was a heron fishing off the rocks who decided we weren't enough of a threat to leave his spot.

God loves and richly blesses his children. Not because of anything we have done, but because it's his nature.

Thank you, Abba!

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