Friday, February 22, 2008

An Assault

Father, what are you doing?

My husband's grades were released yesterday. Because of a snafu with his Java file submission, he received one of the lowest grades he's ever gotten on a mid-term. That test was 30% of his grade and dropped his grade from 90 to 73. His professor has continued to refuse to let him submit the two files that didn't get submitted.

He is angry and he feels like God has abandoned him.

We know that God has called him to go to school at this time. We prayed for favor with his professor and it feels like nothing has come of that.

What are you doing? Where is our Advocate?

It's times like these when I don't know what to say or what to do. I am supposed to be his ezer kenegdo and I can't even find an encouraging word to offer him.

His dreams are being assaulted. He is being told that the best he can do, just isn't good enough.

You do not have what it takes.

Get back. You have no business here.

That's what I can do. I can be his ezer kenegdo. I can come to his aid. This is a spiritual assault. It is not about his grades. It is not about his professor. It is not even about his school.

I can fight.

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