Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Question

Am I lovely? Do you see me? And are you captivated by what you see?


I remember what I was on a trip & I had just bought a skirt. When I got back to the hotel, I tried it on in front of the mirror. I remember saying something about liking my legs, because they're nice.

One of the young ladies I was rooming with shot back: "Well, look who's becoming vain."

I was stunned. To this day, when I look back on the memory, my heart recoils from the absolute bitterness in her voice.

I remember thinking, What?!

This wonderful, sweet & beautiful friend had just accused me of being vain, because I liked my legs.

Where does this spirit come from? If I had stood in front of the mirror and reviled myself, pointed out the 20 pounds I had gained in four months, or the flaws in my skin, or anything, really, that I don't like about myself, she would have jumped to my defense. Pointed out my good qualities.

After all, isn't this what "good, Christian" girls are supposed to do? Look down on ourselves and point out all our flaws? "Humbly" wait for someone to contradict us, point out our good qualities? Then, turn down all compliments?

Except that it isn't.

Romans 9.20 (Message) "Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows enough to call God into question? Clay doesn't talk back to the fingers that mold it, saying, 'Why did you shape me like this?'"

For all our false humility, we only manage to slap God in the face & make ourselves feel worse.

Oh, Father, forgive our pretensions in thinking that we understand beauty better than you. Forgive our backbiting and & insecurities that cause us to say nasty things to & about others.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Hey beautiful sister! Welcome back to the blogshere! :D
As I read this I am struck because only this week I was complaining to myself about my complexion, because I have a stress related zit makeover. Grr! So I have muttered to myself several times about hating the way my skin is and blah blah. But you have reminded me that God made me this way and He says I am wonderfully made!! Thanks for sharing, dearie!
Love ya! ~lil sis

And the whole "make ourselves feel worse" part... totally happened this morning. I went to school in a totally pissy mood.