Monday, March 10, 2008


My husband and I were discussing Story tonight. And how a lot of things that happen in our lives can be described by patterns. Variations on a theme.

I discovered a relational pattern in my life last night.

It goes like this:

I develop a friendship.

The friendship deepens and we become very close. Think Betsy-Tacy.

Something happens. I move. Or she moves. Or someone else comes along. Or she doesn't have time to hang out with me. Or I do something stupid. Or, or, or . . .

We make some half-hearted and feeble attempts to maintain the relationship. A few letters or e-mails. A phone call or two.

Then, even that gradually stops.

I assume that if she wanted to stay in touch, she would call or e-mail. But she never does. And I never do.

And just like that, the ghost of our friendship slips away in to the mists.

Never anything crazy. No fireworks or grand explosions. No bridges burned. Just the long, slow death of neglect.

As I came to this realization, I began to weep. I was grieving for the friendships I have lost. The ones I am currently losing.

For the pattern has begun anew . . .

The pattern must be broken, my child.




Pursue. Pursue to the ends of the earth and the depths of the sea. I did it for you. Will you do it for her? For Me? Does she deserve any less than you?